Plate carriers have come a long way since the beginning of Flak Jackets in Vietnam or carrying all of your mags and then some on an Interceptor vest in the early days of GWOT. 

In 2024, you have more options for the best plate carrier than ever before. And they’re more comfortable and geared towards making you effective, unlike those bulky carriers used back in the day. 

So, if you’re in the market, I have a list of the best plate carriers in 2023 so you can find out which is best for you. This list comes from hard use and months of testing, so don’t worry, it’s not just what all the cool kids use these days; these carriers are also built to last. 

Let’s dive in. 

Best Plate Carriers In 2023

1. Ferro Concepts FCPC V5

Ferro Concepts is a foremost producer of some of the finest plate carriers, gun belts, and accessories for both. The FCPC V5 is the product of four previous generations of Ferro plate carriers.

These carriers were worn in, and when their customers had something to say, Ferro listened and introduced it in the next carrier. 

That has led us to the most lightweight plate carrier on the market while not sacrificing durability or craftsmanship. Ferro uses 500D Cordura to save weight and keep rigidity in the needed places. 

The rear plate bag is one of my favorite parts of the FCPC V5. The laser cut molle expands across the entire back piece and features two zippers on each side to accommodate Ferro’s ADAPT system (back panel banger, anyone?) 

If you want a vest that’s load-bearing cosplaying as a low-profile system (and not in a bad way), here you go. 

FCPC V5 in Multicam. Source

2. Spiritus LV119

If you don’t care too much about minimalism and want a vest that can carry a heavier load, that’s where Spriritus comes in. 

What’s odd about it is Spiritus makes gear for half the price as the other manufacturers on the market, and the gear is just as good, if not better. 

The LV119 is a load-bearing vest, so as you would expect, it is a bit heavier than your low-profile systems like the FCPC V5 or the Mayflower (it’s in here, don’t worry). 

The LV119 is also one of the most (if not the most) customizable, and their Assault Back Panel is one of the best add-ons to a plate carrier I have seen. 

If you want a purpose-driven system that doesn’t cost Haley money and wants customization and heavy load capabilities, check out the LV119. 

Spiritus LV119. Source

3. Crye Precision JPC 2.0 

We’ve all seen our favorite high-speed YouTubers running around in their Crye Precision pants and $45,000 worth of night vision. It’s the Gucci of the tactical gear world. 

Crye has been around for a while and has provided gear to civilians and the military for just as long. The JPC 2.0 plate carrier is a testament to Crye’s capability of producing great gear. 

The JPC 2.0 is geared toward more serious shooters who want ultimate modularity in a lightweight plate carrier. Similar to the zippers on the back panel of the FCPC V5, the JPC 2.0 allows for the attachment of a zip-on pack. 

The front panel allows for the use of placards, whereas the 1.0 (or the JPC) 

If you want ultimate modularity and lightweight capabilities, take a look at the 2.0. On the other hand, if you’re a civilian like me, the 1.0 is perfectly good for taking care of business. 

Crye Precision JPC 2.0. Source

4. Haley Thorax 

If Crye is the Gucci of the tactical gear world, then Haley Strategic is Off-White. 

The thing is, when you look at the competitors of the Haley Thorax, the price is fair compared to the likes of TYR Tactical, who sells the PICO at twice the price. 

So, all things considered, the Thorax is fairly priced for what you get, even when you start to add on attachments (because, of course, it doesn’t come with a cumberbund).

As expected, the Thorax is modular and capable of being outfitted for any situation. It’s not the most lightweight on the list and falls more toward a bulkier load-bearing style plate carrier, but it is mighty comfortable. 

For example. The optional shoulder straps from the website are the most comfortable on the market. And I’m not the only one that thinks so. 

If you want an all-arounder that can easily be changed to match your needs and is comfortable, consider the Thorax. Actually, save up first. Then consider it. 

Haley Thorax Plate Carrier. Source

5. Velocity Systems Mayflower APC 

As for another plate carrier that falls in the middle between lightweight and load-bearing, we have the Mayflower—made by the same guys that make the beloved Schrab.

The Mayflower APC (Assault Plate Carrier) is still one of the best on the market despite not being as new as some of the others mentioned on this list. It holds weight better than any low-profile carriers while still being comfortable and slick. 

The Mayflower is capable of being lightweight and slick or big and heavy. And it excels at both of these. It’s one of the first plate carriers recommended to me due to its versatility and durability. 

And if you’re one of those shooters who frequently change their loadout, you’ll appreciate the number of rolls this plate carrier can fill. 

Velocity Systems Mayflower APC. Source


So here you have it—five of the best plate carriers on the market. While none of these may exactly be “budget” options, this list is for anyone who wants to buy it once and not have to worry about buying a better one down the line. 

I will have a budget plate carrier list up as soon as possible. 

If I had to recommend one carrier on this list, it would be the Mayflower due to the amount of use you can get out of it. What do you think? Which one is your favorite? 

Let me know. 

Be good and take care.

Brian Zerbian
Brian is a USMC Veteran and avid gun enthusiast from New Jersey who loves to spend his time shooting, writing, listening to classic rock, and learning new things.
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