Smith & Wesson has continued to impress us with its releases this year, from the classic lever action 1856 to these three new Performance Center pistols we’ll be looking at today. 

In case you weren’t aware, S&W’s Performance Center pistols are its top-of-the-line offerings, giving you a sort of custom feel with all the bells and whistles for maximum performance. Typical features you can expect are crisp flat-face triggers, optics-ready slides, and night sights. With this newest batch of releases, though, S&W really took the upgrades to the next level.

Performance Center pistols

Meet the newest Performance Center pistols. Source

The three models that received the gold star treatment are the M&P9 Shield Plus, the M&P9 M2.0 Compact, and the M&P9 M2.0 Metal. Whether you’re looking for a new concealed carry gun, home protection gun, or competition gun, you should be able to find it within this bunch. 

Let’s take a closer look at what exactly all the hype is about with the new Carry Comp lineup!

What’s New?

Three main upgraded features are causing all of this buzz: the ClearSight Cut, the Carry Comp Power Port, and the flat face trigger with PC-tuned action.

From even a split-second glance, you’ll notice the extremely unique and aggressive slide. New and improved slide serrations can be found on both the front and back, in addition to several windows cut into the front and top.

Performance Center pistols

I’m loving the unique slide serrations. Source

The main port on the top of the slide works together with the Power Port located at the 12 o’clock position on the barrel to divert gas upwards to reduce felt recoil. This not only reduces felt recoil but also helps reduce muzzle rise, making it easier to stay on target for quicker follow-up shots.

Performance Center pistols

That’s a lot of gas being redirected! Source

Next up is the ClearSight Cut, which will be especially exciting for you if you run an optic, like I’m assuming many of you do. This new design diverts gasses away from the front of the optic, increasing your visibility and helping keep your glass cleaner. While it may not make a HUGE difference, it still should help to a degree.

S&W striker-fired pistol

A top-down view of the new slide. Source

Lastly, we can’t forget about that tuned trigger. Many of the recent S&W striker-fired pistols have been rolled out with flat-face triggers, but these on the Performance Center pistols are supposedly tuned for increased performance. I haven’t been able to verify this yet myself, but I’m excited to get my hands on one and hit the range to test it!

S&W Shield Plus Carry Comp - Concealed Carry

That’s a lot of features in a very small package! Source

Shield Plus Carry Comp – Concealed Carry

If you’re looking for a new concealed carry pistol, the Shield Plus Carry Comp is going to be your best bet out of the three. Not only are you going to get all of the above-mentioned features, but you’re also going to get an astounding 15+1 capacity with the extended magazine.

SALE Smith & wesson equalizer magazine
Smith & Wesson M&P Shield Plus, Equalizer 9mm 15 Round Magazine
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For a gun of this size, that is very impressive. It also ships with a ten and 13-round magazine as well if you’re concerned about maximizing concealability.

S&W Shield Plus Carry Comp - Concealed Carry

Optics help finish off almost any build. Source

M2.0 Compact Carry Comp – Carry/Home Defense

The M2.0 Compact Carry Comp is a step up in size from the Shield Plus, and it offers a standard 15+1 capacity with a flush magazine and four interchangeable grip inserts.

Smith and Wesson M&P 2.0 C 9mm 15 Round Magazine
Smith & Wesson M&P M2.0 Compact 9mm 15 Round Magazine
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It makes a great home defense pistol as it also accepts 17-round magazines from the full-size M&Ps. It’s also compact enough to carry if you would like.

s&w M&P 17 round magazine
Smith & Wesson M&P, M&P9 9mm 17 Round Magazine
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M2.0 Compact Carry Comp

An all-around solid choice. Source

M2.0 Metal Carry Comp – Home Defense/Competition

Here we have the “final boss,” if you will. This full-size aluminum-framed beauty offers a 17+1 standard capacity and also comes with four interchangeable grip inserts like the Compact model mentioned above.

s&w M&P 17 round magazine
Smith & Wesson M&P, M&P9 9mm 17 Round Magazine
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If you’re on the hunt for your next competition gun or a dedicated home defense pistol, you’ll want to give this one some serious thought.

M2.0 Metal Carry Comp

There isn’t much else you could ask for in a pistol. Source

Worth The Price?

Each model is roughly $100 more than its “standard” predecessor, which begs the question of whether the features warrant the upgrade in price. Without hesitation, yes! 

The cost to port your slide, purchase a ported barrel, and add night sights would run you easily a few to several hundred dollars, so the small $100 uptick in price is a no-brainer.

The Shield Plus Carry Comp (left) and the new Bodyguard 2.0 (right)

The Shield Plus Carry Comp (left) and the new Bodyguard 2.0 (right). Source

Just in case you’re looking for an ultra-discreet carry pistol or prefer .380 ACP, Smith & Wesson also just released the Bodyguard 2.0, which is worth checking out. However, if I were you, I’d go with the Shield Plus despite the slightly larger size. But that’s just my .02. 

As always, stay safe, train hard, and have fun.